Sunday, September 17, 2017

Better is a little with righteousness, Than vast revenues without justice. 
Proverbs 16:8

Shortcuts, something well all like to take, especially when it comes to shortening our drive time, producing something faster or getting ahead by avoiding a few steps in our career path. Although the shortcut may seem good at the moment, there could be negative side effects. Always weigh out the positives and negatives when choosing shortcuts in life. 

The same is true in the life of a child of God. Every day we are faced with decisions to do this, go here, partake in that. Sometimes those choices we have to make involve short cutting God's approval or will for our life. You may find yourself saying..."well if I do this very thing that God might not approve, yet ill be in church Sunday...He will be ok with it". When a Christian find it easy to shortcut their life from living by God's standards, they loose thier focus on righteousness and after while decisions are made so far away from God's path that His voice is no longer heard. Leaving that lost child vulnerable to satanic attack. 

There is only one way and it's the path of righteousness. There are NO shortcuts when it comes to doing the right things in life. What decisions are facing you today? Ask God to help you stay on the straight road of righteousness so you don't falter in your walk with the Lord. 
Have a blessed day!

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