Thursday, September 21, 2017

And a cloud came and overshadowed them; and a voice came out of the cloud saying, "This is My beloved Son. Hear Him.". Mark 9:7

In today's passage, Jesus took three of His disciples up on a mountain and there before them "transfigured" Himself. His clothing was whiter than anything they had seen and He was glowing in His greatness. What a magnificent sight to behold. Just one more experience, proving His true identity. Although his disciples didn't quite understand all the pieces of the puzzle, they soon would, following His death and resurrection. 

For today's Christian, we know who Jesus is and what He did for mankind. The question for His children today you hear Him? Many people I talk with say they struggle to hear Him. The business of life and struggles that worry us are often the stumbling blocks that hinder our ability to hear Him. Trust me friend, He is still speaking to His followers. It's important to put Him first in your life, so you can hear him well. He speaks to me in my mind, through His Holy word and in conversations I have with other people. Just the other day, in the mountains, God used a sweet Christian couple to speak to me about an issue I was struggling through.

He is speaking, do you hear Him? If not, ask Him to help you clear out those things that plug your ears and mind so you can hear Him effectively. He will talk with you throughout the day if you keep an open ear to His voice. And what He has to say is beneficial. Jesus does not give us useless chatter, it's clear, direct and to the point. Hear Him today, He is speaking loud and clear and He wants to give you nuggests of widsom and encouragement each day. God bless.

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