Sunday, September 10, 2017

Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy.

Psalm 33:18


A hurricane can be very powerful and destructive. The winds whirling around the center can reach speeds that destroy a building, flip a vehicle or flatten trees with ease. But inside that storm, called the “eye”, is a calm, clear sky with very little wind and no rain. It’s interesting that a powerful and destructive storm can have an element of calm in its center.


As a child of God, you will face storms in life. They come in a variety of ways, and they can be destructive to your life and those around you, no doubt. But, when you center your focus on the Lord, you find yourself under the protective care of God, His eye is upon you, showering you with peace and a calm like no other. I have seen fellow believers go through tragedies that would flatten the strongest person, yet, with God’s mercy and grace, they are able to stand tall and find that calming peace that only God can provide.


As you face the next storm in your life, focus your attention on the Lord and not the circumstances of the storm. Find comfort, peace and protection from the destruction when you center your life under His watchful eye! Jesus quieted the storms He encountered with just a few words and He will do the same for you! Find peace in the middle of the storm, keep your focus on the Lord! God bless!

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