Saturday, September 16, 2017

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name. John 1:12

In one of my leadership classes we took part in an exercise on communication. One person told the person next them them a simple message and that message was to be passed along to each person in the class. By the time it was received by the last person, the message had become distorted and almost opposite of its original statement. 

Whew! How true it is when people start to form their own ideas about what's necessary to become a child of God. Although the bible speaks clearly on the one simple thing necessary, yet the message gets distorted and almost becomes unattainable for some people. Believing in Jesus Christ and that He died for the sins of mankind, asking for His forgiveness and trusting Him with your life. That's it! Nothing you can do on your own will earn you a residence in heaven. 

Do you believe in His name? Have you asked Him to come into your life? Put aside your idea of "works" and simply believe, accept and trust Him. The message is simple and it's written in God's word. Believe it today. 
God bless.  

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