Tuesday, October 24, 2017

You have set our iniquities before You, Our secret sins in the light of Your countenance. For all our days have passed away in Your wrath; We finished our years like a sigh. Psalm 90:8-9


The consequences of wrong behavior can be lasting. One speeding ticket may cause your insurance premium to increase, consuming drugs can damage brain cells that can’t be replaced, hurtful actions towards another maybe be forgiven for not forgotten and wild spending on a credit card will put you into debt that is costly to repay over time. Wrong behavior does have lasting effects. Although the behavior is corrected, its impacts can be felt for years, even a lifetime.


The same is true when we sin against God. Yes, God forgives, yet as a result of our disobedience, we will labor and struggle to recover. Recovery may take days, weeks even years as a result of the wrongful ways we chose. The best and painless choice is to always stay within the righteousness of God and avoid sinful living. Easier said than done, but with God’s help, it can be accomplished. The more you devote your day to the Lord, the more His hand protects you from enemy attack. Sometimes the temptation is so strong, all you can do is grasp His hand and walk carefully around the temptation.


Recovery from sinful living and past mistakes can take time, a lot of time, but with God’s help and strength you can find yourself renewed for a new day…even a new life! Trust Him in the journey of life, learn from your mistakes and use the time of spiritual healing to grow you in your walk with the Lord. He loves you enough to give you the grace necessary to live life to its fullest! God bless!

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