Wednesday, February 14, 2018

And He said, “Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him; for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son, from Me.” Genesis 22:12

Happy Valentines Day everyone! A day set aside to celebrate love with the one person who means the most to you. Many will be celebrating with candy, flowers, jewelry, a nice meal and acts of kindness. Who’s your valentine?

Today’s passage comes from the story of Abraham and his only son Isaac. Genesis 22. God tested Abraham and told him to take Isaac up on a mountain and sacrifice him. Talk about a tall order. I can see myself debating God and trying to ignore His instructions. But as we read in the story, Abraham did just what God had instructed him to do. As Abraham drew the knife to take his son’s life, an angel of the Lord called out to him and said do not harm your son.  His son was spared and Abraham proved the depth of his love for the Lord.  

That someone special in your life probably means more to you than anyone else. And that’s great, but where does your love and devotion for the Lord stand? Oftentimes we place others before God and our priorities get out of whack. We shift our attention away from God and focus on a blessing meant to provide enough, but not too much. I can totally relate! To be clearly honest, if its not God himself, then its of this world. I caution you to keep God first in your life. When you do, that sweet blessing God gave you will be like sugar. They will sweeten your life just enough to make it special.

As you celebrate with your loved one today, be sure to recognize God in your union and thank Him for whom He blessed you with this Valentines Day. When God is number one in your life, everything else will have more meaning and be a sweet blessing to both of you. Happy Valentines Day!

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