Tuesday, February 13, 2018

But the free gift is not like the offense. For is by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift of grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many. Romans 5:15

Ever have a task to perform, you get started and eventually make a total mess of it all? Then someone comes along and fixes everything you messed up. LOL, for me, that happens a lot, especially when I have to fix something as I’m not mechanically inclined.

When God made man, Adam, and placed him in a perfect place, the Garden of Eden, Adam had it made. God even created a female partner for Adam, Eve. Together they enjoyed all of God’s blessings. They were the first human beings to live on planet earth. But, one day, Eve listened to the advice of Satan and took fruit from the forbidden tree, and shared with Adam. Together they messed up the sinless life God intended for them to have. Today, man still struggles with choices of good and evil.

Fortunately, God loved His creation so much that He gave up His only Son, Jesus Christ, to take our sin debt and pay the price you and I could not pay. Jesus fixed the broken bridge that separated mankind from God. By believing in Jesus Christ and accepting His free gift of Salvation, your life can be healed from your sinful past and given hope for every tomorrow into eternity.

How does your life look? You might think you’ve made a huge mess of things and wonder how God could even love you. Friend, I can assure you He loves you right where you stand. He knows how vulnerable your fleshly desires are and the natural bent towards evil. He knew HE had to fix this sin issue once and for all. Today if you are burdened in sin and have a mess on your hands, call upon Jesus Christ to come fix your life so you can walk in newness with Him. Call on Him today. God bless.

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