Sunday, February 25, 2018

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:4

One thing I’ve noticed over the years while cooking, the smallest ingredient can make a difference in the flavor of the dish I am making. Herbs especially are small, but they can spice up the mix into something very delicious. In the end, it’s a dish served for everyone’s enjoyment.

As Christians, we are to serve God in some capacity. There are those who are the meat of the church; you always see them doing things, accepting responsibility for tasks put before them, teach Sunday School, lead the choir or staying late to clean up. For those who actively serve, God bless you! God rewards those faithful to serve and always be available to fill in the gap.

One of the dangers in always serving is this prideful view of self and looking down on others who don’t appear to be actively serving God. You never know what God is doing in someone’s life. He maybe brining them through a difficult time to prepare them for something great. I like to think that those who don’t appear to be actively serving are the spice in the final product of our mission to glorify God and bring others to Christ. Those who sit in the pew could be prayer warriors, without their prayers your church wouldn’t have been able to afford something to further its outreach. Without their prayers that group of college students on the road singing wouldn’t have the protection from Satan’s attack.

So, what am I saying? I’m not saying be lazy and just do a little something to get by. I am saying to keep your eyes focused on God and not what other people are doing. As children of God we are ONE body, regardless of what we do. We all serve Him in some capacity. Just do what you are called to do and God will bless you richly. God bless!

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