Monday, February 19, 2018

But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children. Psalm 104:17

One of my pet peeves is people. LOL, I know you are probably thinking…what??? For me, when people act out, drive like maniacs or wear clothing that reveals too much….I have little understanding or patience for it. If you live in the same world as I do, it don’t take long to get your nerves frazzled by what you see. Just the other day I saw so much craziness within 2 miles that I was about ready to go back home to hibernate. I thought to myself…I need more grace to handle the people around me. Ever feel that way?

Kinda makes me wonder how God views us and our behavior. I’m sure He is shaking His head. I look at all my faults and sins and think to myself, God must be about done with me. But today’s verse reminds us that He is NEVER finished loving us, nor done forgiving us of our sins. God has more love and grace than all of us on planet earth combined! No matter how badly you mess up…and we all do…He will continue to provide you the same love and grace as He did on the day you accepted Him into your life.

Do you love the Lord? Is HE number 1 in your life? You might not feel worthy of God’s grace, but its not up to you to decide that. He does it unconditionally. Why? So you can go on living the life of freedom IN HIM and serve Him without fear and doubt that you are saved. Satan will try to distract you, by reminding you of your failures. Don’t listen to that crusty jerk. As a child of God, you are covered by the blood of Christ, never to lose your heavenly status. Thank Him for his love and grace, its yours for all eternity. God bless!

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