Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening?

James 3:11

A good number of years ago our city had an awful thing happen to its drinking water. The city draws its water from the river and goes through a filtration process to clean and purify it. One of the steps is passing it through a carbon filtration system, which removes that “lake” smell and taste. Unfortunately, the carbon wasn’t monitored closely enough and it ran out, sending thousands of gallons of lake smelling water throughout the city. UGH. It was awful. For weeks everyone had to flush their lines to rid that smell and rely on bottled water for drinking.

Lets face it, what comes out of our mouth is a good indicator of what’s in our heart. God’s word is the best filtering device on the market. It has a way of soothing over those bitter moments in life, turning lemons into lemonade. God’s word shapes our thinking, so there is more grace, love and forgiveness towards others. God’s word blesses us, which results in us being more positive and blessing those in our circle of influence.

Without a daily dose of God’s word, we lose our ability to filter out the worlds ways, thought processes and beliefs, leaving it up to us to try to say and do the right things. If you are human, and you are, its almost impossible to keep a bridle on that tongue 24/7.

We’ve all said some ugly things in life. God never intended for you to send out mixed messages about who you are in Christ. Read God’s word on a daily basis, let it sink in and be that filter so your heart can send out good words, encouraging words and words of righteousness to others. God bless!

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