Saturday, February 10, 2018

Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12:14

If you are like me, you probably know several people who live out this scripture. They seem to have this calming peace about them and Godly attributes fill their life in every corner. I admire people who live out their faith without any major hiccups in their journey with the Lord.  Just being open, there are days where I have allowed the sandpaper of circumstances to brush against my heart, leaving me angry, not wanting to be around anyone and displaying anything but Godly characteristics. Can you relate?

So how in the world do we get to a consistent state of peacefulness with everyone and holiness that radiates out in every corner of our life? In my opinion the one ingredient that sweetens the Christian life is “surrender”. So what you saying Dave, fly a white flag and give up? No, not telling you to give up, but to surrender the things in your life that hinder the growth of your spiritual life. So often we allow, and hold onto, things that keep us anchored to the world and we grow sour in our walk with the Lord. God never intended for you to fly close to the ground. His desire is that you soar like an eagle Isaiah 40:31! When we remain anchored to the world’s bindings, we try to fly higher and simply tire out.

Surrender takes work to remove negative attributes, selfish attitudes and toxic habits that keep us bound up. There is a peace like no other and that is through Jesus Christ. He is the perfect example of complete surrender. No one made Him die for your sins, He surrendered everything He had for the Lord. Not His will but that of the Fathers. Luke 22:42

You might be saying…but Dave, you don’t know the things going on in my life. Its almost impossible for me to live out that kind of faith in my workplace, within my family or friends. No, I don’t know your specific circumstances, but God does and He is every bit willing and able to help you transform your life into the person He desires you to be in this world. Ask God to help you surrender those things that keep you bound up so you can fly free and not let the challenges of life tarnish the character God is trying to bring out in you, through the power of His Spirit living inside you!

Have an awesome and blessed day friend. Live in peace and shine the light of holiness into the darkness!  

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