Sunday, February 4, 2018

I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Psalm 16:8

One of the things I enjoy is hiking through the woods. There is a peaceful calm as I journey into an environment free from the stresses and worries of my life. One thing I’ve noticed, the smallest animals in the woods make the most noise. Everything from a squirrel rummaging the ground looking for nuts, a bird hopping around looking for a worm or an armadillo in search of that next grub. As they move over the ground, they brush against the leaves and sticks making quite a ruckus. At first it might be startling, thinking there is a big animal in the woods, only to find out it’s a harmless critter.

The old saying “don’t sweat the small stuff, its all small stuff” proves to be more true as I get older. The smallest matters of life can seem to disrupt the ebb and flow of our lives, causing us fear, worry, stress, anger and heartbreak. Satan often uses these little annoyances to bring us grief, to rob our joy.  If you really think about the last “small stuff” episode you encountered, after it was all over, it really wasn’t that bad and its behind you now..hopefully to be forgotten.

I love today’s verse! If you look at that last word “moved”, I think you can replace it with any emotions or feelings you have when problems erupt. Let me give you an example….I shall not be____, fearful, worried, stressed, angered or heartbroken. When we put God before us and follow ever so closely, we can cling to His promise to protect us and keep us marching through the difficulties of life. Our main focus should NOT be on our problems, but on our future home in Heaven. We are simply passing thru the forest of life. Things will bring a lot of noise to your life, but know it’s all “small stuff” in comparison to what God provides in this life and what awaits us into eternity.

Don’t be alarmed when the next noise of life tries to make you run and hide. Cling to the cloak of Christ and don’t let go. He will walk you through your journey with protection, strength and healing every day! God bless!

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