Tuesday, February 6, 2018

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13

“What can I do to help you?” asked someone a few days ago. They could tell that I was overwhelmed with stress and the task of performing my job. Without much hesitation, I responded by saying thank you, but I got this and will work through it. When people offer you help, how do you respond? Are you willing to let go of your pride and allow them to lend a helping hand?

As children of God, we have ONE person who is always willing to lend a hand, God. He knows that life has its moments that overwhelm us. He loves and cares for each of His children, just as a parent would their own child. He is willing to go the extra distance just to help you. Are you willing to give it up to Him? So often our pride gets in the way or we simply think God isn’t interested in our troubles. He is, I can assure you that! Living proof right here that He will provide what’s necessary to get you through the day, help you work through a problem or sustain you when heavily burdened. Nothing is impossible for God.

What burden or task is facing you today? Maybe it’s a difficulty at work, a heartbreaking decision that must be made or a new chapter in life that requires much faith on your part to turn the page. God is there, ALWAYS, willing and able to help. Wont you call on Him today and find strength in your weakest moments of life. God bless!

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