Saturday, February 17, 2018

Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19

If you were to scroll through the pictures on your phone or computer, you might find memories captured from the past that should never have happened. That certain relationship that was toxic, yet those images are still saved. Why do you save them? Even though certain pictures bring back painful memories, its hard to delete something you wished had turned out better. Trust me, I have dealt with this issue myself.

What are you longing for? When you keep pictures from the past that should never have happened, its like a bucket attached to a rope at a water well that’s gone dry. Every time you go back to that well, you crank up the rope only to find the same result, an empty bucket. Maybe its time to cut the ties and try something different.

Friend, God has a better plan for you. You might still be wandering in the desert, feeling hopeless, hurt and wanting love. That empty bucket is no longer a source of refreshment. Cut it loose. Hit the delete button. God has a new chapter for your life. Unless you are willing to cut all ties, that page can’t be turned to something new.

Letting go and letting God is the only way to find newness in the moment of staleness. Find the new chapter for your life today. Delete, forget, heal and move forward. God has a better way for you, have faith in Him today as you cut ties with your past. God bless!  

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