Sunday, February 11, 2018

Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;

Hebrews 12:15

Lets face it, “forgiveness” is difficult for many people, especially those who have had their heart torn to pieces, been mistreated, disrespected or physically, emotionally or mentally hurt. Every time you see that offender, its like adding a gas-soaked log to your fire. When you see them happy, your mind creates this arsenal of missiles, ready to blow them up. Have you ever found yourself in this state of mind? Maybe you have those feelings now.

Let me share some advice. GIVE IT UP! As a victim, you can’t completely forgive on your own. Its impossible. This fleshly body we live in is bent towards evil revenge, “lets even up this hurt.” An eye for an eye kind of attitude. Hear me out….God never intended for you to carry the burden of anger, hate and revenge. He wants you to give up all those toxic feelings and thoughts, to allow His love, peace and plentifully GRACE abound in your life. Without surrendering up your offender, and the feelings attached to that person, you will never be able to reflect the character of Christ.

Listen friend, you are a much better person than your offender. I don’t know the pain you’ve experienced. But I do know the pain and self sacrifice Jesus displayed when He willingly went to the cross to define the fullest meaning of grace and forgiveness. If you are a child of God, you need to model Christ’s behavior and character. Your ole flesh wants to hold onto the hurt, and make a toxic drink out of it. It will only continue to poison your soul. Let God take it from you and focus on HIM, the author and perfecter of your faith! Trust me friend, I have had to dig deep in my life to remove some toxic attitudes that were sending me in the wrong direction. With God’s help, He can heal you from your heart as well!! Let Him have it and live a life full of grace and forgiveness! God bless!

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