Friday, February 9, 2018

But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD"

Jeremiah 30:17

If you’ve kept up with the news lately, you are well aware that this year’s flu season has been horrible. The CDC did not prepare the proper flu vaccine, thus the virus has had no resistance in spreading from one person to the next. Hundreds of people across the country have died from this year’s epidemic. Prayers go out to many who are sick.

There is another epidemic that is rampant these days, heart break. So often we find ourselves in what seems to be the perfect relationship, then things turn sour and breakup inevitable.  Heart break can make you sick, as it weakens your body, you’re an emotional wreck and just want to curl up and forget about life. The loss of that special someone can generate numerous emotions. Its an awful experience losing someone you truly love.

I can tell you one thing, God is in the business of healing broken hearts. I know, I know, you probably think God isn’t interested in your relationship troubles. I can assure you He is. He desires you to have good companionship and knows who is the best fit for your life. But when things turn ugly and your heart is broken, call upon the Lord. His love is greater than anyone on planet earth. It never fails you and is so much unconditional. When you turn to God for healing, He works in your life to restore you, heal you from the inside out and prepares a new chapter for your life. That new page may involve being single for a while…and that’s OK! Relationships are work and when you are sick with a broken heart, you need alone time to heal and rest. God will speak to you and slowly bring the pieces back together.

Is your heart like a shattered plate, scattered all over the ground? Turn to Him so He can pick up the pieces and glue you back together. He can do it if allow Him to do what He specializes in…healing the sick and broken hearted. Find comfort and healing from the heart mender today. God bless.

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