Friday, February 2, 2018

Thus says the Lord God: “Pound your fists and stamp your feet, and say, Alas, for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! For they shall fall by the sword, by famine, and by pestilence. Ezekiel 6:11

As a parent, there are times when our children disappoint us. If you are like me, I get pretty emotional, raise my voice, temper flairs; it’s pretty turbulent for the moment. Its like a volcano erupting. Can you relate? We want our children to do right and avoid the bad things in life. Because we love them, we get emotional when they do things counter to what we expect.

God is certainly no different. Here in today’s verse we see God’s anger against His own people. “Pounding fist, feet stomping”….yea I’ve done that! As adults we might think we are the top authority figure in our house, but you are sadly mistaken. As Christians we serve God our Father in Heaven. He has a set of standards and expectations we are to live by and pass down to our children through words and action. Are you living an obedient lifestyle? Does your words and actions reflect the morals, temperament and mindset of Christ? If not, you are displeasing to God and He aint happy when we live counter to His standards.

Today is a new day. A day to put aside those ungodly habits, selfish attitudes, uncontrolled anger, unforgiving spirit…the list is endless. God will help you align your life with His if you simply ask for His help and stay committed to doing what’s right in life. God will bless and reward you for “good behavior”. Start today fresh with a Godly attitude….blessings will follow. God bless!

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