Wednesday, February 21, 2018

But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.

Hebrews 5:14

As a grandparent, I have the privilege seeing my grandson grow up and do more things, say more things and be responsive to conversations with him. As a baby, he was only able to drink milk, but over time he was introduced to solid food and it has helped him grow. As he watches his parents, and other adults, he sees their actions, hears their words and wants to do the same. Its all part of the growing up process.

Oh how true it is for the child of God. At the moment of salvation, you were simply a babe in Christ. Your eagerness to grow in your faith was motivated by your desire to be more like Christ. As time went on, your faith has grown and you have weathered some storms that made you stronger. No longer needing that milk as a babe, you rely on God’s word to feed you, to grow you, to strengthen you as you mature in your faith. Is this you?

Sadly, for many Christians, falling down occurs more frequently than taking big steps forward in their walk with the Lord. Temptation, old habits and thought processes from your previous life still hold you back from becoming what God had intended for your life, a mature Christian growing into adulthood of faith. If this is you, I want to encourage you to go back to that moment of salvation, when your eagerness to grow overshadowed your desire to follow the old ways of life. Feed on God’s word. You have to MAKE time to read in order to grow. Are you reading God’s word? If not, you will only know how to take baby steps in your faith.

Becoming more like Christ takes more than just feeding on simple milk. You need to keep up with God’s plan for you to mature in Christ and find your calling to serve Him. He can’t use a baby who stays in a crib all day. Its time to get past your mistakes, pursuits of evil and mature by feeding on God’s word, attending church and engulfing yourself in an environment of adult Christians who are strong in their faith. You will see how they act, speak and serve…providing you a guide as your faith grows you spiritually. Feed on the spiritual things from God and you will mature into a beautiful child of God. Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. You are so right Dave. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!
