Thursday, February 1, 2018

Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works. John 14:10

Ever wonder what “service” you can do for the Lord? In my morning devotions from Dr. Charles Stanley, he made the following statement…”True service is not something we do for the Lord, but something He does through us.” When you look at it from that perspective it makes a lot of sense.  Let me explain.

Before you even knew Jesus Christ and accepted Him into your life, He molded you into His image from the time of conception. As you slowly developed in the womb and through your childhood years, He instilled in you certain qualities, abilities and talents. He did this because He had a plan for your life, to use you for His business. His plan for you today is to serve Him in some capacity.

So often we try to figure out how we can serve God. On our own merits, we will fail or not go at it right. What we NEED to discover is God’s plan for our life and understand how He wants to use us. Once we learn what His will is for our life, then we can serve the Lord with His purpose and strengthened by His Spirit living inside of us.

You may still be trying to determine what His plan is for your life. So how do we find that out? God only uses those who are humble, submissive and obedient to Him. Pride, self judgement, purposeful sin…these and other negative characteristics block our ability to understand His will for our life. We need to tenderize our heart and remove anything that hinders our ability to serve Him. Once we are ready, then He will lay upon our heart His plan to use you. But, don’t wait around for some magical moment, continue to work at removing “self” to make room for “HIM” in your life. He has a plan for your life and is ready to use you. What’s God planned for you? God bless!

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