Wednesday, January 31, 2018

There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. Matthew 28:2


If you’ve seen many war time movies or experienced war first hand, you know when the military shows up for battle, the ground shakes from heavy artillery. Showering the enemy with heavy fire and explosive devices, helps the soldiers advance forward. In the middle of those battles, Heroes are born.  Those who, in the heat of the moment, do courageous things to save the lives of their comrades and help in their advancement. In the horrible environment of war, good things come out in the lives of those on the battle grounds.


Upon the death of Jesus Christ, his body was laid in a tomb, sealed with a large stone. After 3 days, He arose to life, defeating death and made a way for mankind to win the battle over the bondage to sin and eternal death. Today’s verse is the hallmark of this victory when an angel of the Lord showed up, the ground shook, the tomb was empty!  As Christians, we have a mighty army of angels who fight battles on our behalf. Some of those battles we will never see, yet some are clearly obvious and require action on our part to do the right thing when everyone else is going in the opposite direction.  


Trust me, the enemy will do all he can to thwart your plans to do good. In those moments you must stay strong and obedient to God. When you do, you show Satan you are not afraid of his tactics and display confidence knowing you are backed by God’s army of angels.  ”No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” Isaiah 54.17


If you are breathing, you are on the battleground of right and wrong. Chose God’s ways and remain obedient. The army of God is with you and will help you fight those battles….addictions, temptations, lust, greed….a whole arsenal of satanic attacks. But our God is greater. Be God’s hero and walk in confidence today knowing as the ground shakes in your life, the battle has already been won! God bless!

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