Tuesday, January 30, 2018

“..And by His stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5

A few weeks ago my son had a grease fire in a skillet. As he carried the flaming skillet outside, grease spilled down his leg and onto both feet causing third degree burns. He had to undergo skin graph surgery which scraped away the dead, burnt skin and replaced it with a new skin to generate new growth and provide a protective cover while the areas heal. Yesterday they removed the coverings to discover the areas were healing well. That new skin did its job. Praising God for His hand of healing on my son.

As we go through life, we will get emotionally burned by other people’s actions and certain events that cause much pain. The damage they cause runs deep, even to the center of our heart. Sometimes the pain never seems to dissipate, and gets more intense. Can you relate? I sure can and makes me want to stay secluded from the world. Unfortunately, that’s not what God has called us to do. He wants us to get out there and be a light amongst the darkness. When you isolate yourself from the world, its like putting a bushel basket over your light (Matthew 5:15).

Healing can only come through the hand of God. Take advice from the Psalmist David, “O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me.” Psalm 30:2. When we turn our damaged heart over to the Lord, He provides His hand of protection from further injury, cools the pain and through His special ways brings healing to the heart. That healing process might take a lot of time, but trust me friends, He will heal. He will help you forgive and move on with life. Call on Him today for help and He will provide all you need for the healing process to begin. God bless friend!

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