Sunday, January 21, 2018

Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. Galatians 6:10

One of my favorite beverages is coffee. I recall as a youngster I wanted to drink my grandmother’s coffee. She’d pour about 1-part coffee and 4 parts milk with sugar added to the mix. She knew the bitterness of coffee would most likely turn me away from it, but by adding some sweetness, I loved the first sip. Been drinking coffee ever since.

As I was talking to God about today’s blog, He put a thought in my mind, “praying for others removes their bitterness and sweetens their life”. After a few moments of thought, God imparted these two points:

1.    Praying for others in time of need. We all have needs in our lives, yet when the heat is turned up due to illness, heart break, financial worries…it’s a long list, we need prayer. We ask friends and family to pray for us and trust they will respond. When they do, it puts God’s focus on our troubles and He takes those prayers and adds his sweet, loving hand to our problem and sustains us, heals us and gives us hope for tomorrow. Praying for others in time of need is one of the greatest things we can do for each other.

2.    Praying for others removes their bitterness. If you are like me, you have people in your life who are bitter and their presence isn’t tolerable. Yet, you have to live with them, work beside them or trust them in your care. When you pray for them, you put God’s focus on that person and He works wonders to sweeten them or at a minimum sustain you through the daily challenges they put on you. You might not see a change in that person, but God always takes your prayers and they help sweeten the situation. Like my son who drinks coffee…he can never seem to add enough sugar. So keep praying, that person might need a lot of scoops of God’s goodness to see a difference.

When you pray for others, it brings sweetness to their life and yours! Never stop praying for one another. Pray for them, for NO reason! Sweeten someone’s life today through your prayers! God bless!

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