Saturday, January 20, 2018

And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Mark 3:25

Well your elected officials, who work hard for America, put their selfish pride, personal opinions and pollical agenda before the government’s best interest…to keep the government operating. Although the vote was to fund the government 3 – 4 more weeks, the main decision was to either keep the government running or shut her down by casting a NO vote. Enough did in the Senate, on both Republican and Democrat sides, and last night, at mid night, the government shut down. For how long? Who knows. Hopefully talks will continue through the weekend and progress to fund the government for a little while longer will occur.

What’s the problem in Washington? Honestly, I’m not there in the middle of this political arena, but its clear, our government’s leaders are divided. Each has their own personal opinion and agenda. Until someone decides to give a little, there will continue to be this division. As a federal worker, I can tell you there will be a lot of disrupted plans for the coming week, major set backs in keeping all facets of the government operating and a drop in morale as federal employees will be furloughed.  Basically, those who voted “no” to this budget proposal impacted more than the immigrant issue, it impacted every American and foreigner.

Well, enough on that rant. So, lets bring it closer to home. How is your “house” doing? If you had to vote on something significant in your family to keep you operating, would you be willing to work with your partner and other family members to keep your family unified?  Everyone can have their own opinion, but to work together, you have to give a little…compromise if you will. And that lies the problem. We have allowed the root of pride and selfish desires to grow in our relationships…”its my way or the highway” attitude. Friend, that won’t get you nowhere. The negative impacts of your prideful ways will cause a split in the day to day family plans/operations and eventually could lead to a split in your relationship with the significant other.

Lord God help us be a nation that can work together, despite our differences and personal opinions, to be unified and lead the world as a blessed nation under God! Let that unification process start in our homes with our families, and friends. And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. Are you willing to make the right decision to give a little so your house will be unified? Ask God to provide you wisdom and the courage to do the right thing and see the bigger picture. Pray for our government leaders, they need it! God bless!  

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