Monday, January 15, 2018

Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts. Psalm 139:23

It seems lately there has been more verbal attacks on President Donald Trump. His words, his beliefs and his actions always seem to stir up the deepest resentment I’ve seen in years. Almost immediately when Trump took office, there were so many who lashed out and was in disbelief that he actually won the election. Still today, some people refuse to acknowledge Trump as our President. I’m sorry, but I have to simply say, grow up! He is our president and he is the leader of this great nation.

Now before you start to throw stones my way, I challenge you to search yourself. Which level of perfection do you rate? According to God’s word, there was only ONE "perfect person" and that was, and still is, Jesus Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He is the perfect one and the ONE we should model our lives after.

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Matthew 7:1-2. There it is, words straight from the bible. How does this set with you friend? Would you want to be judged by the same mindset as yourself? Don’t know about you, but thank GOD I have a righteous judge, full of grace and compassion. Its by HIS grace, I am saved and live free from the judgement of others. I serve an audience of ONE, and so do you.

Check yourself today. How quickly do you judge others, including the President of the United States? He may not be on your favorite list, but he is doing a job “We the People” elected and Trump needs our prayerful support. So, before you cast the first stone, check yourself. Ask God to sift your soul and help align your spirit with His truth and prayerfully support our leaders, from your boss, to the town mayor, state officials and the President.  Learn to love more and hate less, the world needs to see the grace and love of Christ through His children. God bless you!

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