Sunday, January 28, 2018

If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. John 15:7

The other day I received a notice in the mail from my insurance company stating there was a mix up with a claim on my son from 2015, and said I was responsible for paying $3200 back to the insurance company. Talk about a setback. Before getting out my checkbook and writing a check to pay it off (ha ha right!), I prayed to God and asked Him to take care of this issue. I put the notice in my brief case and went about the rest of the week.

A week later I received a new notice that the insurance company had straightened things out and I didn’t owe them a dime! Thank God for answered prayers!

Its funny right after I read that notice the song “Taking Care of Business” came to mind. As Christians, we have a God who cares about our every need, problem and desire. When our life aligns with His, the communication line is uninterrupted. We can come boldly to the King of Kings and put forth our request. Through His Holy Spirit living inside of us, He even knows in advance of what we need and makes accommodations for those request (Romans 8:26-27). God is always taking care of business on our behalf.

So, you might be asking why God doesn’t always give us what we ask? Friend, let me assure you from one who knows firsthand, GOD WILL ALWAYS GIVE YOU HIS BEST. The things in life He doesn’t give you is for your protection. He knows you have specific needs, wants and problems solved. But God is at a much higher elevation than you, and HE sees the bigger picture and will provide and respond accordingly (Isaiah 55:8-9). So, as troubling as it might sound, THANK Him when He doesn’t give you what you’ve asked for and have faith knowing He will give you something better.

God is in the business of taking care of your business. He is watching out for you and wants what’s best to keep you safe, grow you spiritually and most of all provide the grace you need to stand upright in a foreign world full of sin and evil. Trust Him as He cares for you each day and when you present your request, KNOW He will do His part to give you the best possible response. God is…taking care of business! Thank Him today! God bless!

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