Friday, January 19, 2018

These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. John 15:11

You ever read a scripture on several occasions and think you knew what it said…then WHAM, the verse jumps out with a whole new meaning? Today’s passage in John did that for me this morning. I was reading today’s devotion from In Touch Ministries and it talked about “JOY”. Do you have joy?

If you are like me, every day seems to be filled with good moments, and times that are trying to my mind and soul. The challenges at work, the responsibilities of a parent, the pleasure of home ownership and all its expenses and things that have to be done to keep this place afloat. WHEW, life can be exhausting. Yet, can we find “joy” in all circumstances?

I heard it said at church….”the joy of the Lord is my strength.” If you think Satan might be trying to rob your joy at times…he probably is, because satan knows if you have joy, you are strong and satan has a difficult time trying to weaken your faith in God. So yes, you can partially blame satan when trying times come your way….and I’m actually going through that myself. Satan will NOT rob my joy! And I hope you won’t allow satan to rob yours either.

So how do we stay joyful when all Hell is breaking lose in our life (I know…you are glad I’m finally getting to my point)? As today’s verse says….”so that My joy may be in you”. Here is what came so loud and clear to me….ITS NOT JOY I’VE PRODUCED, ITS GOD’S JOY! Maybe I’m not so bright, but that nugget of wisdom jumped out and that little light inside my brain came on! And I hope it did for you too.

So Dave, where ya going with this? Just understand that YOU CAN NOT GENERATE GODLY JOY!!!! It comes from God and HIS HOLY SPIRIT that lives inside you. Like a well that digs deep to find water, so should your life dig deep into God’s word, stay constant in prayer and walk ever so obediently with Him. Doing these things and you will tap into a source of Joy that NOTHING this world or yourself could generate. Find your joy in the Lord, HE gave it to YOU to tap into!  Find it today in all circumstances and you journey through life will be full of joy at all times. God bless!

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