Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring issues of life.

Proverbs 4:23

Recently we received snow and freezing temperatures. The snow covered roads eventually turned to ice, leaving city and county workers the job of covering the roadways with a sand to help cars maintain some traction. After the ice melted all this sand and wet splattered up on cars and trucks. Everyone’s vehicle is dirty now, including my new ride. UGH.

In life, we have the option of going down certain pathways. Some are good and some not so good. The good paths are full of God’s blessings and righteous. By staying on the good path, your heart stays clean and your spiritual light shining bright. On the other hand, there are paths that you know lead into darkness. Their surface is full of sin and things that will stain your spiritual life, sniffing out that light that God gave you.

What path are you willing to travel? The choices we make might include the tv shows we watch, the places we go, the things we do, the material we read…the list of choices is endless. But in reality, you know which paths will stain your soul and which ones are beneficial for growth in the Lord.

Maybe its time today to clean up your spirit and start down that pathway of righteousness. God allows you the freedom to chose which path you’ll follow. You know the right way, are you willing to do right, live right so you can shine bright for God and receive His unending blessings? Pray and ask God to help you chose the path full of blessings. The struggle is real. What affects the heart, affects your soul and from it comes either good or bad.

Treat your heart with care and journey safely. God bless!

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