Saturday, January 13, 2018

Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples! For His merciful kindness is great towards us, And the truth of the Lord endures forever.

Psalm 117

Have you ever been welcomed into a group or party which you were different? At first, it’s a little uncomfortable, but you soon feel accepted by those of a different race, culture…anything opposite of you! Sadly, today there are many walls that divide nations, race, culture, religions, even our neighborhoods have walls between them…and I’m not talking about fences.

Thankfully there is NO wall between us and God. Jesus Christ was born into the Jewish nation. Jesus was a Jew, yet God sent Him to save the entire world, Jews and Gentiles alike. Who is a Gentile? If you aren’t Jewish, then you are a Gentile. You are accepted by God! No barriers, no varying forms of beliefs, rules and justice. We are loved by God just the same as Jesus people.

What barriers do you have in your life that separate you from those around you? Maybe its time to find God’s grace to tear down those walls and spread the love and word of God through your Christ-like actions and of course speaking out on Christ’s behalf.  God loves everyone and so should we. Nothing should separate us from one another. Others may have barriers set up, keep knocking on those walls, keep praying for God’s intervention…the walls will come down with His help. God bless!

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