Sunday, January 14, 2018

When Jesus heard it, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Mark 2:17

The other day I was in a warehouse store that sold new furniture that was damaged. A scratch here, a small piece of wood missing from the corner, 1 handle not 2….you get the idea. The best part of these items, they were marked way down. Damaged goods that couldn’t be sold in a regular store, found their way here. Once purchased, the owner can make repairs to those scratches, cover over the missing piece, and put new handles on where they are missing.  I spotted a piece I love, will have to wait til $$ is in my bank account. Donations accepted! 😊

I love today’s verse! Jesus was talking to Matthew, a well known and not liked “tax collector”. Known for his sinful ways of cheating people with their tax payments, he was a social outcast, damaged by sin if you will. And Jesus of all people the “perfect One” chose to spend time with Matthew, talking to him, even going to his home for a meal. The onlookers were questioning why Jesus would want to spend time with a broken man. His answer, is today’s verse.

Heck, if you are like me, you are broken, been broken or will be broken. Sin, loss, heartache, loneliness, frustration, financial struggles…just to name a few are really “brokenness”. Maybe out of your brokenness, you feel unworthy, unloved, useless and helpless. Well let me tell ya friend, JESUS can fix those who surrender themselves to HIM! You see, Jesus didn’t come to heal the healthy, He came to heal the sick. And boy, do we need a doctor in the house every day as we live out life in this sin-filled, heart-wrenching world.

Because of our brokenness, Jesus spends time with us to heal our scars, cover over those regretful times and add new features that beautify our life in Him. I can’t think of anyone I’d want to beautify me than Jesus Christ. He is the doctor who can make us new again. Broken and damaged? Call upon the good doctor, Jesus Christ. God bless!

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