Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.” James 1:25

Blessings from God are awesome. They oftentimes come unexpectedly, more than we ever thought we’d receive and make us feel a sense of confidence. There in lies the danger for the child of God. God blesses obedience, yet at the same time we can get these illogical thoughts going through our head that we are blessed or given freedom to do our own thing now.

Have you ever received God’s blessing, only to catch yourself walking in purposeful sin later that day? I call this the “good, bad and the ugly”. God brings blessings, which is good, yet we take His approval for granted and march on to do what WE want, not staying in the lane of obedience with God. This repeated type of behavior will certainly see a reduction in God’s blessings.

God’s blessings are the result of your obedience. He won’t bless a sinful lifestyle. So, if He blesses you, it’s a nod of approval to continue to walk in righteousness, not an ok to turn to selfish desires and pursue sinful living.  As scripture says, “don’t forget”. Don’t forget what God has done in your life! He wants to bless you, but He needs a clean plate to serve His goodness. No blessing will be served in a dirty plate.  Keep those blessings coming by staying true to God. I promise you the rivers of blessings will never cease when you stay in the lane of obedience 24/7. Never forget His blessings!

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