Friday, January 26, 2018

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:12

There is nothing like going to a restaurant and ordering your favorite beverage. When it arrives, you are happy and start to drink it. You are satisfied at the moment, but eventually you consume everything in it, so you summon the waiter and ask for a refill. He assures you he will bring you more, but the wait…it takes a while. Before too long, you get impatient and start to look around at what your friends are drinking and might actually pour some of their drink in your cup. And then, here he comes to refill it, but you’ve already filled it with something else. You missed out on the refill because of your impatience.

As long as you have liquid in your cup, you are satisfied, happy and cherishing the moment. Life is the same. We are settled in a long term relationship or maybe a career of 35 years working for one company. At the time we are satisfied and comfortable with life. But when that person leaves or dies, when that career turns to retirement, your cup is empty and you long for a refill. God knows that your cup is empty, yet He seems to be slow brining you something new, and you get impatient. You tend to fill it with other things that seem to quench your need at the moment, but its nothing that last. You cry out to God, PLEASE LORD, fill my cup again!  Can you relate?

Let me assure you friend, God knows the changes that happen in your life, He knows your emptiness and He has a plan to fill that empty cup with something amazing, but it takes time. The wait can seem like eternity and you wonder why God hasn’t done anything to give you a clue He is coming with a pitcher of blessings. Too often we fill our cup with things God never intended and when He comes with the refill, your cup is already full and you missed His blessings.

Pace yourself friend. Find satisfaction in the Lord during your moment of quietness and “the wait”. He is coming and will fill that cup, but you better not have it full of something else, otherwise you will miss His best! Be patient and wait upon the Lord, He is about to serve you up something better than you had before. God bless!

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