Tuesday, January 16, 2018

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof. Romans 13:14

This winter has been more like “winter”. Cold, bitter temps, strong winds from the north and plenty of snow….even in the southern parts of the United States. I have done a better job protecting every square inch of my skin from the cold and wind. From long johns, to warm pants, warm shirt, heavy coat, gloves, hat and even a face mask at times. All of these items block out the wintry weather from my body. Anything exposed though, and I will eventually get cold.

Today’s passage lines right up with my thoughts on dressing for winter. When we put on Christ in ALL areas of our life, we block out the worldly influences that so easy chill our spiritual life. Anything left exposed to our fleshly weaknesses, will surely lure us back into temptation. Re-read that last sentence….anything left exposed to our fleshly weaknesses, will surely lure us back into temptation. Ever wonder why you keep repeating the same sins over and over? Its because you haven’t dressed yourself with enough of Christ protective clothing.

How to overcome something that is always there? First off you need to don the armor of God.  Click the link and read it! Its spiritual warfare. The battle is greater than you! So, it’s necessary to be prepared for each day by putting on God’s armor. Without it you will be exposed to the whiles of the devil.

Secondly, there is power in prayer. Prayer does several things…it lets God know what concerns you and by your confession, He will help you overcome. Prayer also allows yourself to know what is troubling you. When you pray, you pray from your heart…what comes out is what is boiling inside your soul. Listen to your prayers and understand your challenges. God is listening and together you can battle those sinful lust if you work with Him. Prayer is power and at the name of Jesus Christ, satan and his demons flee.

Speaking of fleeing. Run like hell from those things and people that are rooted in your fleshly desires. Overcoming things like drinking, smoking, affairs, lusting, gossip, unwise spending…good grief the list is long and these things can be damaging to the Child of God. Flee quickly from these temptations! If you need help, call on God, His Spirit will do all the convicting you need, if you simply listen to Him.

This world is cold as ice. Don’t allow the world’s chill to cool your spiritual life. Dress for the protection of your soul and find life more warming and full of blessings. God bless!

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