Friday, January 5, 2018

Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil. Proverbs 3:7

Ever make a bad decision in life and its effects followed you for a long time?  If you are like me, you’ve made several and it’s painful trying to overcome those bad decisions. It’s not like you did it on purpose, I’m sure you put some thought into the choices you had, then made the best decision at that time. So why do we sometimes go wrong in life?

I’ve found the best decisions I’ve made have involved God. Important decisions like employment, relationships, finances, purchases, responses to circumstances, ARE important and should take some time to think thru so you can see clearly all aspects and make the best decision. The wonderful thing about being a child of God is, He knows everything and is willing to provide the wisdom you need to make the right choice….if you simply listen. Sometimes we, me included, have this circus of thoughts going through our mind and don’t allow any space in the madness for God to speak. We crunch the data, play ping pong in our mind and spit out an answer and hope it’s the best one.

What decisions are you facing today? Have you involved God in that decision-making process? One point I’d like to make here…you will have a hard time hearing from God when you allow evil things in your life. Its like pulp in orange juice..YUCK. I want pure orange juice to drink and nothing floating in it. Same is true with God’s wisdom…you’ll get his wisdom, but it will be mixed with your purposeful sins. Clean up your act so you can hear His wise words with clarity and I promise you the outcome will be pure, purposeful and without regrets! Call upon God today for wisdom with a clear mind and clean heart. Give Him a call today! God bless!!!!

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