Thursday, January 25, 2018

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Romans 12:21

About a week ago, I received a text message from someone who, at the moment, was full of anger and said some very ugly and hurtful things to me. After reading that message, my emotions flared up and I said to myself that will be the last time I communicate with that person.

About 5 days passed, when I received a message from that person asking for help. They were in a very desperate situation and no one else to turn to. My emotions stirred up anger and wanting to ignore their cry for help. Then God’s voice spoke so clearly to me, “Jesus forgave, I expect you to forgive.” Wow! When God talks, I listen and He was directing me to put aside my hurtful pride and angered soul so I could be in a position to offer a Christ like response instead of a fleshly attack.  Through God’s grace and strength, I responded in the right way and through that situation brought forgiveness and healing.

If you are living life, you will have times when people offend you, hurt you and cause much grief. Their actions are like the burner on a stove…HOT and cause you to boil with emotions. Your pot of emotions will boil for days, maybe even years as a result of their vicious attacks. In the moment, all you want to do is reflect back their same pain, maybe even stronger than you received. Its only human that we respond that way.  But, God calls us to a higher standard, to forgo the evil responses, forgive, and bring about good in the middle of something so negative and ugly.

Who has offended you? Is your pot of emotions boiling? Maybe its time to turn off that burner, set your pot of emotions in the hands of God and ask for help to bring healing, forgiveness and restoration. Trust me friend, He WILL do it. I have seen it time and time again in my life and the lives of others. As Jesus hung on the cross, He looked down upon his accusers and said “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” Your offender might not know about the love, grace and kindness of Jesus Christ. You have opportunities to reflect Him when under attack. Do the right thing and live out your faith, follow the example of Jesus Christ and forgive those who offend you. You will heap burning coals upon them when you respond with a Christlike character. Forgive through goodness today. God bless!

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