Monday, January 29, 2018

Prayer is the key to Heaven,
But faith unlocks the door;
Words are so easily spoken,
But prayer without faith
Is like a boat without an oar. 
Lyrics from the song “Prayer is the Key to Heaven, but Faith Unlocks the Door”

The other day I saw a man with a ring of keys attached to his belt. As he walked, these keys would jingle, it was a lot of keys and you could hear him coming. You have to ask yourself, what do all those keys go to? I’m willing to bet he has accumulated keys from years past and some of them might not work anymore. Can you relate? Are you a walking key master?

As humans, we each possess one important key, they key to Heaven. Some people may not realize it, but its true. God provides everyone an opportunity to come into His presence through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. No one is excluded from His invitation. To use that key is to acknowledge its purpose and have faith in Jesus Christ to save him or herself. Without faith, that key will just be in your possession, never utilized to its fullest potential. How sad that people go through life without the knowledge of Jesus Christ and continue to unlock doors that lead to nowhere.

Maybe you’ve been unlocking doors that don’t seem to have any purpose or longevity. Find your key to Heaven and have faith in Jesus Christ. He died on a Roman cross to pay for your sin debt and mine. Through faith in Him, you can unlock the door to an eternity of God’s blessings with peace, joy and wisdom unmatched to anything this world has to offer. All you have to do is have faith to use that key. Find it within your heart to call upon the Lord and be saved. Unlock the door that holds you captive to the world and find newness in the Lord. God bless.

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