Tuesday, January 9, 2018

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33

Relationships. Many people seek after that special someone they think will enrich their life, only to have it end in heartbreak. Not too long after the break up, and heart mended, that person is back at it…searching for the “one”. It’s a cycle and can wear you down emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Let me share some advice….seek God first in your life and everything else will fall into place. When you focus on growing your relationship with God, you learn His ways and gain wisdom in the process. Those desires to have “someone” in your life subsides and you get your fill from the ONE who can take any lonely heart and make it full of joy and feel contentment, even when you are single and alone. Trust me. He has done that very thing for me.

God didn’t create us to always be alone. If you are truly pursing God and He knows your heart, He will bless you with someone who is perfectly right for you. God sees things in other people that you can’t see. When you put God first, He puts you first and will give you the desires of your heart if you seek after Him. Besides, God is in the business of matching people up. The bible says that Adam and Eve lived to well over 900 years….thats a long time to be together!

Don’t fill those lonely weekends with dating web sites and looking for the “one”. Seek after the ONLY ONE who can give you eternal happiness. Pursue Him always and He will bless you beyond your wildest imagination! God bless!  

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