Saturday, January 27, 2018

Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn away from it and pass on.
Proverbs 4:14-15

Reminiscing about my youth, I recall as a child my sister and I would ride skateboards on my grandmother’s huge driveway. That big area of concrete was the perfect place to ride. And she always gave us one word of warning, “don’t go out into the street”. She knew the driveway was a big enough area for us to play, the street was dangerous with vehicles passing by that might run over us. Many good memories were made on that big slab of concrete.

As children of God, we too are always reminded to stay on God’s driveway. He provides us the freedom to live and play, but within the confines of His loving protection. Anything outside of his smooth path, we can expect danger, unsafe habits and vulnerabilities to our enemy, Satan.

How far does your play take you? Are you still within the confines of God’s boundaries, or do you venture out just a little? Our flesh wages war against our mind, telling us its ok if we venture out into the street, we will see trouble coming and get back to safety. Right? WRONG! Listening to that voice that calls us to step from the driveway onto the street will continue to lure you and me to take one step further from the TRUTH!

So what’s God’s driveway look like? What are the safety zones for a Christian? Its all written in God’s word, the Bible! If you want a life that has less drama and more blessings, read it, study it and live within its guidelines. Nothing outside of God’s driveway is safe friend. Heed God’s warning and stay safe. He provides you MORE than enough life to live and experience Godly pleasures than what’s on the street of the world. Keep it on God’s driveway! God bless!

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