Thursday, February 22, 2018

Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Jeremiah 33:6

School shootings, bombs exploding in city markets, a thief steals a prized possession. No doubt this world in which we live is full of chaos and trouble. Many times, the culprit to the crime is recognized and brought to justice. But, for the victims of their evilness, what justice can be done to replace a lost child, restore confidence and security or put back the pieces of a broken heart? How can one move forward after having their soul shaken to the core?

Thankfully I have never experienced a great loss, but I can tell you the times that I’ve been the victim to something evil, God has helped me restore what was damaged through the power of forgiveness. As a victim, you may find yourself feeling crushed and hopeless with very little strength to move forward in life. Its at those moments of weakness, we find strength to push up through our pain and find forgiveness the highway to relief, healing and restoration. Only through forgiving your offender can you have peace in your life.

Having peace in an unpeaceful situation can be challenging, but to God its His masterpiece. I can assure you that with God, all things are possible. I have personally witnessed parents heal quickly through the loss of a child with forgiveness as their compass. It might be difficult, but its necessary if you are to move forward in life. God never intended for you to be anchored to your miseries and losses. Although some chose to stay anchored, I know you want to sail further in life than the chains of that anchor will let you. Give that offender to God and ask for His help to restore your soul and forgive completely.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. Just as God wants to restore us daily in our spiritual relationship, He too wants to bring peace and security in your everyday life. Only through forgiveness will this occur. Give it to God today and find a peace like no other. God bless!

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