Monday, February 5, 2018

Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord – that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful. James 5:11

I stayed up to watch the Super Bowl last night. The Philadelphia Eagles clearly led the way to defeat the New England Patriots. One thing I noticed with the quarterback for the Patriots, Tom Brady; Brady kept his cool during the game. Although the team failed to execute plays properly and mistakes were made by Brady, he still kept calm and focused on the next play.

As children of God, we will journey through each day with some successes and some failures. Those days we fail or the ones we depend upon fail us, we still need to remain focused on managing each day with God’s help. I use the term “manage”, because our life is OUR responsibility. We make decisions that either hurt or benefit us. Putting God first in everything we do will ensure God’s guidance, protection and strength. Matthew 6:33

What challenges face you today? They may seem overwhelming and feeling of defeat is already upon you and the day hasn’t even started. Keep a calm demeanor about yourself child of the King. God has today planned out for your success. Just abide by His play book (bible) and you will find success more often than failure. No matter what, keep your focus forward towards God. Have a blessed day friend.

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