Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him. Nahum 1:7

Every day people across the world step aboard an airplane and fly to their intended destination; people join thousands of others on a cruise ship and sail across the ocean; people drive over long bridges every day of the year. What’s the one thing in common with all of these people? “Trust”. Trust is the one thing everyone has when flying on a plane, trusting it will get off the ground; a ship will stay afloat no matter how many people are on board and trust that the steel reinforcement of a bridge will stay secure while they cross in safety. If we didn’t trust things in life we’d stay in a state of fear and harbor insecurities.

There is someone we can put our trust in to help see us through each day, God! The Lord is good! I can tell you after 50 plus years of life, God has never let me down and the more I lean on Him, the stronger my faith and trust grows in Him. I’m at the point in life where no matter the challenge, I know and trust the Lord to help see me through the day.

You can too friend. You can trust the Lord with your troubles. Troubles will come along and try to shake you spiritually. But when you give them to the Lord, He will strengthen and protect you, giving you peace and confidence in knowing He is in control. What He allows to happen is for your best. Trust Him today as you add another page to your chapter of life! God bless!  

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

One thing that astounds me when cooking is the individual ingredients for something delicious and how they all come together. By themselves they aren’t good, but when they are mixed with other ingredients, YUM!

While reading The Purpose Driven Life this morning, God laid upon me a thought. As we go through life, we encounter various things that shape us into who we are today. Some things might be bad, like totally awful and shameful, while other things have brought blessings into our lives and made us happy. But God, He had a plan for each life event, good or bad. He knew just how much to measure out so it would enhance and grow your life, not destroy it.

Sadly for some, they chose to chew on the individual ingredient (life event) and remain bitter. That’s NOT what God had planned. He needed that event to mix with the other things in your life to bring out a better you, a stronger you and a you totally dependent YOU upon God for strength and to help others going through a similar situation.

Lesson for today, don’t focus on the individual event, but allow God to stir it in with the rest of your life so you can come out with a beautiful flavor to others to enjoy and be a blessing to God and those around you! We are His handiwork and He has just the right ingredients to make your life awesome for His kingdom! God bless!

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Yesterday I started reading “The Purpose Driven Life” with a friend. Together we started a 40-day journey to discover God’s purpose for our lives. As we began to discuss the chapter, God laid a simple thought into my mind. When I keep my focus on Him, I can accomplish more in life than when I focus on me. And I’ve lived out this the majority of my life, focusing on Him and relying on His wisdom, His strength and His encouragement.

Today’s society wants you to focus on self…self-improvement, personal success and accomplishing goals to win in life. But when the energy runs out, when the audience leaves, and when the top has been reached, then what? With God its not about me, but what He can do in and through me. And trust me, He can do more with a single mustard seed of faith than I can do when fully rested and energized.

Maybe you’ve been trying to achieve success, but the failures outnumber the successes. You are feeling defeated and overwhelmed. Take your eyes of YOU and focus on HIM, the author and perfecter of your faith. God has a plan for YOUR life and HE can do great things through you if you simply rely on Him to supply all your needs and strength! Pray and ask God to help you focus more on Him and trust He has the perfect plan for your life! God will bless you when you focus on Him. God bless!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Be angry and do not sin, do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:26-27

Lets face it, we get angry at people and circumstances that happen in life. Its ok to be upset, but don’t let it fester throughout the day. When we carry our anger to bed, it affects our sleep and mental wellbeing. It also opens the door for Satan to come in and wreak havoc in our mind and heart. Over time this uncontrolled anger affects our personality and witness.

Whats been angering you lately? If its gone longer than 24 hours, I think you’ve chewed it long enough. Time to spit it out and move on. Don’t let the sun go down on frustrations. It’s a toxic seed that will produce nothing in your life!

In closing, “forgiveness” is the best solution to rid yourself of that anger. Its like roundup in the garden, it eliminates those toxic weeds that consume the good stuff from your soul. Forgive, heal and move on friend! God bless!

Sunday, January 27, 2019

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. Hebrews 8:11

Sin. It’s real, it’s easy to fall prey to its temptations and for the Christian its even more real as the eyes of God’s children are open to its presence in their lives. The struggle is real when Christians try to follow in Godly obedience, the flesh is bent towards sin. Just because one is saved, doesn’t mean they don’t face temptations. They are more keenly aware of its power.

“For if you live according to the flesh you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.” Romans 8:13  Jesus never intended for us to live the Christian life in our own strength. Rather, He gives us His life through His Spirit. Gods grace does not change the nature of our sin – it always leads to death. Instead, His grace enables us to rely on the power of His Spirit to put to death our sinful urges and desires.

As a child of God, the addictions and temptations are real. But our God is stronger than anything you face in life. And through His Holy Spirit, you too can put to death those sinful patterns and habits that bring division between you and God. Take up your battles with God today and find victory over them through the power of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! God bless!

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Mark 11:25 – And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

If you could sum up Jesus Christ in one word, I believe it would be forgiveness. His entire life’s ministry was based around forgiveness. One of the last words of Jesus spoke just before His death on the cross was “Father forgiven them.”  Jesus Christ gave His life for payment of our sins, so we could live a life of freedom.

So why is it so hard for us to forgive our offender? Sometimes the hurt and pain can run so deep that its like being cut with a knife. The scar is a good reminder that you were hurt, deceived or knocked down. Today’s passage is a good reminder that God’s forgiveness of us is the encouragement we need to forgive those who’ve hurt us. Yea, the pain is real and that person might be unwilling to ask for your forgiveness, but it doesn’t mean you have to carry the burden of anger, hate and revenge.

What person are you unwilling to forgive? If you want God’s forgiveness, then forgive those who need your forgiveness! There is no need to carry that burden any longer. Forgive and let God heal you from the inside out! Through your act of forgiveness, you show your offender that you take the high road and want to be a Christ like example to them and those around you! Forgive someone today! God bless

Thursday, January 24, 2019

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth, To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies. Psalm 25:10

Over my lifetime I’ve been fortunate to hike on trails in the Rocky Mountains, Smokey Mountains, even locally at Pine Mountain. Although the trails might vary in length, steepness and beauty, one thing stays constant…the rules. You see, hiking has its own set of rules that most outdoor enthusiast proudly follow. Simple things like..stay on the trail, don’t litter (pack out what you brought in), don’t remove wildflowers…it’s a long list, but its purpose is to sustain the trail and environment in which it weaves.

Today’s scripture is an excellent reminder that no matter where we go in life, we should always give mercy to those who need it and live out God’s truth no matter the environment we find ourselves. Some days the journey will be rough and the climb so challenging you want to give up; don’t give in to your weaknesses…sustain your faith no matter how hard the day goes. Other days will be much easier and the view captivating; thank God for the moment of peace and soak in His grace as you find reprieve from life’s challenges.

Hows your day going? Are you living out the truth of God no matter how challenging the path? Find God’s blessings in those days when you remain constantly focused and obedient to His truth, His way and His calling for your life! He will reward you for your faithfulness as you blaze new trails through life! God bless!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it. Luke 18:17

Today’s verse is one of three that talks about Jesus encounter with children who wanted to come up and meet Him. The disciples started to forbid the children, but Jesus told them to allow them to come to Him. This passage always gives me visions of children running to Jesus with excitement and passion. Children love and know how to love unconditionally. I think of my sweet grandson and his love for His papa. Its an awesome feeling to be that loved.

Jesus Christ wants you to love Him with child like faith. Putting aside everything else in life and worshipping and honoring Him. Is this the kind of relationship you have with your Heavenly Father? If you struggle in your devotion to the Lord, pray and ask God to help you find your child like faith and grow it into a passionate relationship with Him. You’ll soon discover that nothing else in life matters, but Jesus Christ and His presence coming out through your life!

Find your child like faith today! God bless!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring your remembrance all things that I have said to you. John 14:26

One advantage of the internet is the ability to “google” something if you need information. A while back I was working on a project and couldn’t figure something out. I worked hours on the problem, then once I googled it, found the answer and resolved the problem. If only I had gone to the source of information in the first place, I would have spared myself hours of useless labor and frustration.

Today’s passage is an excellent reminder that God provides us His Holy Spirit, who lives inside of every child of God, and is ready and able to help you in times of crises, times of encouragement and times when you need some wisdom. Prayer is often the way to ring Him up and start a dialogue with God. And, I have experienced times when His Spirit imparted wisdom I needed without me asking. He supplies all my needs, even before I realize I need His help.

Navigating life can be challenging, no doubt. Why not spare yourself a lot of useless labor and frustration by relying on His Spirit to guide you. Again, He provides wisdom, encouragement and reminders of His goodness along the way. Learn to hear His voice and trust that its good. Back it up by reading scripture. If its in the book, you can count on its advice. A child of God has benefits like none other, use what God provides and make life a little easier along the way with His help! God bless!

Monday, January 21, 2019

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:2

Whenever I read this verse all I can think is “ouch”! I know from experience, God does a lot of pruning in the life of His children, and He has done a lot in my life. God wants us to live a fruitful life that is pleasing to Him and those around us. Often times we allow something or someone to take up space in our life that doesn’t promote our spiritual growth, so God weeds those things out. Just like vines that wrap around shrubs, those things removed can often pull and tug at our heart, but its necessary for God’s hand to remove and cut out the dead and toxic stuff that hinders growth.

I can tell you that after the heart heals from loss, the spring time blooms appear and you can see why God removed what was hindering my growth. As a result, something beautiful emerges from the void, and growth flourishes once again. Over the years I’ve learned that God’s pruning is necessary and although it hurts sometimes, I know its for my own good. No one wants dead branches in their beautiful garden. Neither does God want that for His children.

When you see God coming with the lopping shears, have no fear. God is going to help you promote growth and bring blessings into your life! Let Him cut back the things that hinder your life from being all it can be for Him. He is the Master Gardner and knows what’s best for your life. Trust Him today as He cuts back the old growth and makes room for new growth and blessings! God bless!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14

Its Sunday morning and many are getting ready for church. If you have children, it’s the stress of getting everyone up and going so you can make it to church on time. Been there, done that. Can be a challenge to keep your stress level low and your temper in check. The Devil does a good job of trying to wreck your spirit when you do things God honoring, like attend church.

This morning, don’t let the devil rob your joy. Bring to the Lord your best. Ask Him to give you patience and peace as you get ready, and protection from Satan’s attacks. By doing so, you can bring to the Lord words of praise and pure thoughts as you worship our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Have a blessed Sunday friends!

Saturday, January 19, 2019

My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2

In the movie San Andreas, is about a huge earth quake that occurs in California along the San Andreas fault line. In one scene the wife, Emma, is stranded in a tall building when the earthquake hit. Surrounded by people falling to their death or being crushed by falling debris, she calls her husband, who works for the LA Fire and Air Rescue unit. He tells her to go to the roof and he’d fly the helicopter up there and save her. She knew he’d come and rescue her. She tried to tell everyone else to go up, but common sense said to go down and exit the building. Many people died in that scene because they didn’t follow her to the roof.

No doubt, as a human race, our help comes from above, from the Lord. As Christians we know this fact and we have confidence in Jesus Christ who saved us. The real question is, are you telling people where to go for safety or just letting them figure it out on their own? If you look at the world in which we live today, common sense would tell you to do your own thing, pursue your own passions and if you live right, you might be rewarded. Sounds good but it’s the wrong way and sadly many are headed in that direction. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  Matthew 7:13

And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15. Before His departure back to Heaven, Jesus gave the following command to share the gospel to everyone. Yea, it’s a tall order and may feel counter to what society says, but YOU KNOW the truth. Your help comes from above and those around you need to know the right way to Heaven. Share your testimony today with someone so they will know help can be found upward! God bless!

Friday, January 18, 2019

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.

Psalm 138:7

Yesterday I talked about the reason God keeps us in the dark sometimes as we navigate life…so we’ll keep our eyes focused on the only thing visible…HIM! As I was writing yesterday’s blog, God whispered another reason why He sometimes keeps us in the dark, to preserve us from things that might frighten us.

Our enemy is always looking for ways to attack us spiritually, emotionally and physically. If we knew his evil plans, we probably wouldn’t engage ourselves in half the things we do just for fear of being victim to his attacks. Or maybe God has called you to take a step of faith and do something special, not knowing the place He takes you is dangerous and you could be attacked for your faith…yet He protects you in your obedience. Many times, I have looked back and seen the dangers that lurked around me, but because I was unaware, I went forward in confidence to complete God’s task and He came thru, protecting me from the enemy.

My word for today, don’t fret when you don’t know the why or how. Leave that up to God! He has a plan for your life and will accomplish it when you simply put your faith and trust in Him to guide and protect you as you navigate life! God bless!

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” Ps. 119: 105

The other day I came home at night. As I got out of the vehicle, I noticed my motion activated spot light did not come on. It was pretty dark and I knew for sure I’d bump into something. As I worked my way towards the door, I noticed the doorbell light was shining thru the darkness. Because of that one little light I was able to make my way to the door without bumping into anything, find the right key and unlock the door without any problems.

Many times in my life I’ve found myself going through a period of darkness, not able to see what’s up ahead nor my surroundings, asking God for His wisdom and guidance. And every time I do, He comes through, leading me through the challenges with His intense light. It’s all I can focus on, because I know He will guide me safely through whatever I’m experiencing at that moment. Once I’m on the other side of the event, I see then why He did not allow me to see my surroundings. If I had, I probably would have given up because of the distractions that might have tripped me up had I seen those things.

Maybe you are going through a time in your life where you can’t see anything around you and you have no clue where you are going. Seek out God’s light and follow it closely. Trust me friend, He will guide you through your circumstance and bless you for your obedience! Trust the light! God bless!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did nots spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:31-32

Ever find yourself feeling defeated in life? Could be someone has come against you, attacking you personally and making your life miserable? Maybe it’s a set of unfortunate circumstances that has you weighted down emotionally, even affecting you physically? No doubt, life comes with its challenges and struggles when dealing with other people and living in the world.

But for the child of God there is hope and victory. As we read in today’s passage that God is for us, therefore who or what can have victory over us? Nothing! As I’ve grown in my faith, I have behind me experiences where I can look back and see how God’s hand worked to bring victory on my behalf. In the thick of the battle the score didn’t appear to be in my favor at the time, but God came through (as He always does) and helped me come out on top and even blessed me for my commitment to Him.

Maybe the odds are against you right now and things seem to be overwhelming to your soul. Look to God for strength, encouragement and victory over what or who has come against you. Trust that He is working in your situation to bring a positive resolution that provides restoration and healing for your storm tattered spirit. It might take some time, but God’s hand works perfectly in each and every battle you face. Trust Him today, victory is on its way! God bless!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. 2 Corinthians 4:16

Over the past week or two I’ve noticed people taking the “age challenge” on Facebook. Posting 2 pictures, one from ten years ago and one from today. By doing so you can see how hard the aging process has been. I’ve got to say, years have made some people even more beautiful. Time has a way of changing us externally….either for the good or bad.

Thankfully as a Christian, our spiritual life grows into something more meaningful, beautiful and full of wisdom. When you dedicate your life to Christ, the things you experience in life grow you spiritually and provide wisdom for the next event. The key is to keep trusting your Savior, Jesus Christ to guide you through life. He is the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2) Without Him we will not age beautifully.

If we could compare your spiritual life 10 years ago to today, how much more beautiful have you become? Maybe the aging process hasn’t been too kind to you externally, but it can be on the inside of your heart. Age with grace, wisdom and spiritual growth through Jesus Christ. There is nothing that will make you more beautiful than a life with Him by your side! God bless!

Monday, January 14, 2019

If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat; And If he is thirsty; give him water to drink; For so you will heap colas of fire on his head, And the Lord will reward you. Proverbs 25:21-22

You’ve probably heard it said that “love is a verb”, its not just words, its action, showing your love towards someone. Well, forgiveness is also a verb, and you can show your forgiveness towards someone by doing good to them.

Today’s verse may seem like a tall order…say what? Give food and drink to someone who took away everything from me? YES! Show forgiveness towards someone who hurt me to the core? YES! You might be asking how in the world can you forgive to the point of showing kindness to someone who has deeply offended you. Trust in the Lord with your heartache and pain and He will restore you friend! God is in the healing business and can heal that shattered spirit, that heart that doesn’t want to beat one more time and the loneliness that is felt from your offender. Give them over to God through forgiveness and ask Him to restore your heart so you can show the love of Christ to them and others around you.

Who’s on your enemy list? Ask God to help you forgive and show them your forgiveness through acts of kindness. God will reward you, bless you and take care of you when you exhibit His love to them! Have a blessed day!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Philippians 4:13

The other day I was talking to a friend who shared with me how she has had “God moments” with other people. Out of her mouth came Godly wisdom and encouragement, words that she normally didn’t speak or even think of. For myself, I’ve found the same with these blogs I write daily. God speaks through me every day as I sit down to type out a message He wants to share in this blog. I give God all the credit, because there is NO way I could come up with some of the wise words I’ve shared over the years.

As Christians, we oftentimes find ourselves feeling totally inadequate to do the Lord’s work or speak on His behalf. And truth be known, we are totally inadequate. We are human, fleshly creatures bent towards sin. But, because of God’s grace, as children of God, we are forgiven and cleaned by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. And inside of every believer lives the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God. From His Spirit comes our strength to do what our human bodies can’t.

Maybe God has called you to speak to someone about the love of Jesus Christ, perform an act of ministry you feel ill equipped for or wanting to provide advice to someone but don’t know what to say. Lean on the Spirit of God to give you wisdom and strength, every day, as you live for Him. His strength lives right inside of you, tap into Him every day and see what God can do through His faithful servant! God bless!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Lord is good to those who wait on Him, to the soul who seeks Him.

Lamentations 3:25

Yesterday I came upon a traffic intersection and all four traffic lights were red at the same time, and stayed that way for what seemed an eternity. As all the drivers patiently waited, a few started to nudge forward thinking there was something wrong with the lights, including myself. I was just about to take my chance and proceed with my turn when all of the sudden it turned green. I was free to go. Had I actually moved, I might have found myself on a collision course with another driver.

A good lesson for me in the fact that I’ve been at that intersection a thousand times and I know it works properly. But because I waited a little longer than normal, I thought it was not working and my impatience was getting the best of me.

How true it is when we find ourselves waiting on the Lord to give us directions as we navigate through life. There are times when He doesn’t speak and expects His child to remain patient until He gives the green light to move forward. Those days, months, even years can seem like a lifetime, but trust me, God is always working, 24/7, for the benefit of His faithful children. As you mature in faith, you will learn the value of patience and develop a confidence that God is working on your behalf and waiting is part of His plan to provide you the best route thru life.

Are you at a time of waiting upon the Lord for direction? Be patient as you wait to hear His voice and continue to live right at the moment. Going forward without God’s green light will surely put you at risk for disaster! God has the best plan for your life. Be patient and wait upon Him as you navigate life! God bless!

Friday, January 11, 2019

Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:8

Oftentimes after a relationship has ended the question becomes…”did they love me?” There is a significant difference between love and infatuation. I just read an excellent article on this very topic and could clearly see the difference between the two. The article can be read at the following link:

This morning I picked up my bible and went to the chapter that describes love, 1 Corinthians 13. As I read over some of love’s traits, something really stuck out…”love never fails.” This article I read aligned it’s message with this same verse, love never fails. True love is someone who is willing to give everything to love you and love you unconditionally. And when the tough times hit, they are right there by your side, helping, encouraging and growing in their love for you. You are their investment and they want to do everything they can to help better your life.

Finding that special someone in this world can be difficult. So many people out there with different stories that have shaped their life. Only God can bring together two people who can find true love. And with God at the center of their relationship, it can and will grow to reflect every characteristic of God.

Trying to find love? Try finding it through Jesus Christ, God’s Son. He gave up His life so you could have an eternal life with God. His love is perfect, complete and will NEVER fail you. If you seek after Him, He will bless you with someone to love and who will love you in return. And when you meet that special someone, you will know its love over time by the characteristics of that person…they will reflect the love of Christ to you! Find love today through Jesus Christ, the author of love. Love never fails! God bless!

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:13

Do you find it hard to move forward in life? Past mistakes seem to play out in your mind, over and over again? Yea, my hand is raised. One thing I’ve discovered, you’ll never move forward from the bad times until the bad times are long forgotten. When you’ve been able to erase them from your mind, there will be nothing to grasp for mental processing.

How do you forget the past? That’s a tall order for sure. Here recently I went through a time where I had something in my past I kept going back to, over and over again. In time, God brought someone into my life that totally erased the past and freed me to step forward again. I can’t tell you the freedom it felt to be cut lose from the past so I can experience life as God planned.

Maybe you are hung up over something or someone and you feel bound to it. Pray to God, asking Him to cut the ties from your past so you can run freely again. God never intended for His children to stay in one place. There is too much work to do in His kingdom for a stagnant Christian! Pray and believe He will help heal you from the past! God bless!  

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

Lessons learned. Those things that happen to us in life that aren’t so great, and we have reminders of our mistakes. Like getting caught speeding and have a hefty fine waiting to be paid and the insurance premium goes up, a poor financial purchase that results in years of high payments with a high interest rate and feels like it will never get paid off, or maybe one poor decision results in a lifetime of regret.

Hopefully we learn from our mistakes in life. Those subtle reminders of our errors are God’s way of keeping us on track. Every now and then something will come up as a reminder that I made a poor decision. Just the other day it happened and I was reminded of this verse, that God has His loving eye on me and doesn’t want me to make the same mistake twice. Those subtle reminders are like guard rails along the road…they keep me on His path and avoid disaster.

Maybe you have some reminders of past mistakes. Don’t let those discourage you, but know they are reminders from God that poor decisions don’t need to be repeated and are useful for keeping you on track to avoid another train wreck…so to say! Trust God when those reminders surface and thank Him for loving you enough to help keep you on the right path of life. God bless!

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Be still, and know that I am God; Psalm 46:10a

I had a wonderful motorcycle ride yesterday. The weather finally warmed up to make it a very pleasant ride. As I was going along, I asked God why I’m alone more than I am around other people (which don’t get me wrong I enjoy alone time). At that moment I literally could hear Him speaking over the loud roar of the bike’s muffler and wind blowing in my face. His voice came across loud and clear as He spoke words of wisdom into my heart. I realized that without this moment away from everything in life, I wouldn’t hear Him.

You might find yourself all alone and question God, why are you keeping me in this state of oneness. Trust me friend, in those moments of just you, its you and God and He LONGS to provide you words of wisdom, comfort and encouragement. Live for those quiet moments, for they are the best times spent with God. You are not alone, you have the attention of God and He is ready to give you more than anyone else can on this planet!

Be still, and know that I am God.

Monday, January 7, 2019

27So God created mankind in his own image, in the image
of God he created them; male and female he created them.
28God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful
and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the
sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the
Genesis 1:27-28

Yesterday afternoon I was at the Atlanta airport. The 45 minutes I was there, I was amazed at the number of people coming and going through this major airline hub. Almost immediately today’s verses came to mind, “be fruitful and increase in number.” Well, as humans we have adhered to that instruction from God very closely. Meanwhile a second thought came to mind….do these people know about Jesus Christ.

Just before departing Earth, Jesus left these instructions….19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded
you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
So, we’ve done a good job pro-creating, but have we spread the word of Jesus Christ to this population of people? Have you shared Jesus with your family, friends and neighbors?

Trust me, sharing Jesus Christ doesn’t require a PHD. Your life is a living testament of the Holy Spirit living inside your heart. Sharing what Jesus has done for you, as His child, is the best thing you can do as a Christian. The population will continue to grow, but with out people sharing Jesus, this world will not have a clue why they were excluded from Heaven when they die. Share Jesus today! God bless!

Sunday, January 6, 2019

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

The other day I was in a store and saw a lady with a shopping buggy full of left over Christmas décor on sale. The stuff she had in her buggy looked cheaply made and quite frankly didn’t appeal to me at all. I wondered if she was buying it just because it was on sale. Needless to say, it was a buggy full of junk in my opinion.

As humans I think we often fill our life with things that are cheap and don’t last but a short while. This may include certain people, things we buy, hobbies we spend time doing and here is a big one…time spent on social media. Are you getting the picture? We invest in these things and people because they bring us happiness. But if the truth be known, it’s a short term happiness and leaves you wanting more the next time its used up or breaks.  

Today’s scripture reminds us that God has everything we need in life to sustain us in the good times and bad times. When we shift our eyes off the things of this world and focus on God by reading His word, and praying, we’ll begin to see His daily blessings and wont want to fill our life with those temporary pleasures. Trust me, God blesses you every day. Satan does an excellent job by providing tempting pleasures that take your focus off God’s goodness.

Stop reading for a minute and let that sink in for a moment.

Friend, what has Satan distracted you with that is blinding you from seeing the good things God has already blessed you with? Break out the side blinders and keep your focus straight on God. You will see your buggy over flowing with blessings that will last all eternity.  God bless!  

Saturday, January 5, 2019

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years,[a] but no one could heal her. 44 She came up behind Him (Jesus) and touched the edge of His cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. Luke 8:43-44

Over the past few weeks I have been looking in stores at all the great deals on left over Christmas stuff. Yea, there are some odds and ends, broken pieces and some different stuff, but every now and then I’ll find something of interest and purchase it for next year’s use. Yesterday I was in a store and they had all their left-over items on tables, separated from everything else. And I had a thought…..

Do you ever feel like a “left over”? Maybe your marriage ended and you feel separated from family, maybe you are struggling to find a friend to enjoy life with or the people you work with have alienated you because of your faith. The list is endless, but at times we can feel like a left over or outcast. I’m sure the woman, in today’s scripture, felt like an outcast. No one could  stop her bleeding. But, one thing she did, she reached out to Jesus in faith and her action healed her. Can you imagine what joy she felt once healed and probably didn’t feel like an outcast.

Maybe you are dealing with something in your life and you simply feel like some left over item that no one wants to associate with. Friend, call on Jesus in faith and let Him heal your broken heart, fill that void that’s been missing for years so you can experience joy and happiness once again! Jesus doesn’t see you as an outcast, but a child of His. Reach out to Jesus today! God bless!

Friday, January 4, 2019

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12

Everyone has an external identity by the clothing they wear. For example, you can easily tell a person by their uniform, like the police, fireman, chef, construction worker, painter….even a park ranger 😊! But for the Christian, there is no uniform, but an inward identity displayed externally by their actions.

Today’s verse gives the perfect example of how a Christian should conduct themselves so its evident to those around….”never walk in darkness”. We live in a world where its easy to step off into darkness. Places unhealthy for the child of God abound all around us. Its up to each of us to walk on the straight and narrow pathway. As a Christian, people watch you closely and see what you do and say.

How do you act? Does your life align with Godly principles, or do they have the flavor of the world? If you want to live the good life of Christ, then walk the narrow road of righteousness. You might be the only one in your group doing so, but its whats right and God will bless you for your obedience and display of His Spirit living inside you! God bless!  

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

One thing I truly enjoy in life is food. The down side to cooking is waiting on the food in the oven or microwave. Something as simple as heating up a bowl of cheese for 2 minutes (to dip chips in) can seem like eternity. If you cut the cooking time in half, only part of the cheese will be melted and wont taste as good. Patience is key in the kitchen!

Here lately God has been dealing with me on an issue and I am so impatient at times I want to give up. But, I keep praying and asking God to work. Tonight at church He laid it upon my heart that He has this situation and its HIS time that will bring about the results I have asked for. In the meantime, He made it clear that when we bring our burden to Him and we spend time in prayer, its MORE time with Him so we can experience His strength in our weakest moments, we can see Him working and we know that His timing is always right!

Friend, trust me. If you are a Christian, God loves you and is watching out for you! Whatever your circumstance, burden or request, make it known to Him, then trust that He is handling it His way and it’s the best way as you seek out His will for your life. Wait upon the Lord, renew your strength so you can mount up with wings like eagles and soar and not grow weary. God bless!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 3:18

Happy New Year 2019. Day one of the new year and you might be asking yourself, “where do I go from here?” You anticipate good things happening for the new year, but life seems to have the good and the bad.  But one thing you can do for sure is commit each day to the Lord.

Trust me friend when I say He goes before you each and every day. Like a time machine, He goes ahead into your future, shifting things and circumstances to help you navigate the trials, storms, mountain top and valley experiences. I know this first hand. Even when you’ve ventured down the wrong path, He always makes provisions to bring you back to the good life, His way!

I encourage you to pray that God guides you each and every day and that you have an open ear to His calling. Seek Him first in everything you do and you’ll find life more blessed and stable as you journey through 2019. God bless and Happy New Year!