Saturday, January 19, 2019

My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2

In the movie San Andreas, is about a huge earth quake that occurs in California along the San Andreas fault line. In one scene the wife, Emma, is stranded in a tall building when the earthquake hit. Surrounded by people falling to their death or being crushed by falling debris, she calls her husband, who works for the LA Fire and Air Rescue unit. He tells her to go to the roof and he’d fly the helicopter up there and save her. She knew he’d come and rescue her. She tried to tell everyone else to go up, but common sense said to go down and exit the building. Many people died in that scene because they didn’t follow her to the roof.

No doubt, as a human race, our help comes from above, from the Lord. As Christians we know this fact and we have confidence in Jesus Christ who saved us. The real question is, are you telling people where to go for safety or just letting them figure it out on their own? If you look at the world in which we live today, common sense would tell you to do your own thing, pursue your own passions and if you live right, you might be rewarded. Sounds good but it’s the wrong way and sadly many are headed in that direction. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.  Matthew 7:13

And he said unto them, Go you into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15. Before His departure back to Heaven, Jesus gave the following command to share the gospel to everyone. Yea, it’s a tall order and may feel counter to what society says, but YOU KNOW the truth. Your help comes from above and those around you need to know the right way to Heaven. Share your testimony today with someone so they will know help can be found upward! God bless!

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