Saturday, January 5, 2019

And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years,[a] but no one could heal her. 44 She came up behind Him (Jesus) and touched the edge of His cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped. Luke 8:43-44

Over the past few weeks I have been looking in stores at all the great deals on left over Christmas stuff. Yea, there are some odds and ends, broken pieces and some different stuff, but every now and then I’ll find something of interest and purchase it for next year’s use. Yesterday I was in a store and they had all their left-over items on tables, separated from everything else. And I had a thought…..

Do you ever feel like a “left over”? Maybe your marriage ended and you feel separated from family, maybe you are struggling to find a friend to enjoy life with or the people you work with have alienated you because of your faith. The list is endless, but at times we can feel like a left over or outcast. I’m sure the woman, in today’s scripture, felt like an outcast. No one could  stop her bleeding. But, one thing she did, she reached out to Jesus in faith and her action healed her. Can you imagine what joy she felt once healed and probably didn’t feel like an outcast.

Maybe you are dealing with something in your life and you simply feel like some left over item that no one wants to associate with. Friend, call on Jesus in faith and let Him heal your broken heart, fill that void that’s been missing for years so you can experience joy and happiness once again! Jesus doesn’t see you as an outcast, but a child of His. Reach out to Jesus today! God bless!

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