Friday, January 18, 2019

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life. You stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes; with your right hand you save me.

Psalm 138:7

Yesterday I talked about the reason God keeps us in the dark sometimes as we navigate life…so we’ll keep our eyes focused on the only thing visible…HIM! As I was writing yesterday’s blog, God whispered another reason why He sometimes keeps us in the dark, to preserve us from things that might frighten us.

Our enemy is always looking for ways to attack us spiritually, emotionally and physically. If we knew his evil plans, we probably wouldn’t engage ourselves in half the things we do just for fear of being victim to his attacks. Or maybe God has called you to take a step of faith and do something special, not knowing the place He takes you is dangerous and you could be attacked for your faith…yet He protects you in your obedience. Many times, I have looked back and seen the dangers that lurked around me, but because I was unaware, I went forward in confidence to complete God’s task and He came thru, protecting me from the enemy.

My word for today, don’t fret when you don’t know the why or how. Leave that up to God! He has a plan for your life and will accomplish it when you simply put your faith and trust in Him to guide and protect you as you navigate life! God bless!

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