Monday, January 21, 2019

He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. John 15:2

Whenever I read this verse all I can think is “ouch”! I know from experience, God does a lot of pruning in the life of His children, and He has done a lot in my life. God wants us to live a fruitful life that is pleasing to Him and those around us. Often times we allow something or someone to take up space in our life that doesn’t promote our spiritual growth, so God weeds those things out. Just like vines that wrap around shrubs, those things removed can often pull and tug at our heart, but its necessary for God’s hand to remove and cut out the dead and toxic stuff that hinders growth.

I can tell you that after the heart heals from loss, the spring time blooms appear and you can see why God removed what was hindering my growth. As a result, something beautiful emerges from the void, and growth flourishes once again. Over the years I’ve learned that God’s pruning is necessary and although it hurts sometimes, I know its for my own good. No one wants dead branches in their beautiful garden. Neither does God want that for His children.

When you see God coming with the lopping shears, have no fear. God is going to help you promote growth and bring blessings into your life! Let Him cut back the things that hinder your life from being all it can be for Him. He is the Master Gardner and knows what’s best for your life. Trust Him today as He cuts back the old growth and makes room for new growth and blessings! God bless!

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