Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did nots spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:31-32

Ever find yourself feeling defeated in life? Could be someone has come against you, attacking you personally and making your life miserable? Maybe it’s a set of unfortunate circumstances that has you weighted down emotionally, even affecting you physically? No doubt, life comes with its challenges and struggles when dealing with other people and living in the world.

But for the child of God there is hope and victory. As we read in today’s passage that God is for us, therefore who or what can have victory over us? Nothing! As I’ve grown in my faith, I have behind me experiences where I can look back and see how God’s hand worked to bring victory on my behalf. In the thick of the battle the score didn’t appear to be in my favor at the time, but God came through (as He always does) and helped me come out on top and even blessed me for my commitment to Him.

Maybe the odds are against you right now and things seem to be overwhelming to your soul. Look to God for strength, encouragement and victory over what or who has come against you. Trust that He is working in your situation to bring a positive resolution that provides restoration and healing for your storm tattered spirit. It might take some time, but God’s hand works perfectly in each and every battle you face. Trust Him today, victory is on its way! God bless!

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