Saturday, January 26, 2019

Mark 11:25 – And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

If you could sum up Jesus Christ in one word, I believe it would be forgiveness. His entire life’s ministry was based around forgiveness. One of the last words of Jesus spoke just before His death on the cross was “Father forgiven them.”  Jesus Christ gave His life for payment of our sins, so we could live a life of freedom.

So why is it so hard for us to forgive our offender? Sometimes the hurt and pain can run so deep that its like being cut with a knife. The scar is a good reminder that you were hurt, deceived or knocked down. Today’s passage is a good reminder that God’s forgiveness of us is the encouragement we need to forgive those who’ve hurt us. Yea, the pain is real and that person might be unwilling to ask for your forgiveness, but it doesn’t mean you have to carry the burden of anger, hate and revenge.

What person are you unwilling to forgive? If you want God’s forgiveness, then forgive those who need your forgiveness! There is no need to carry that burden any longer. Forgive and let God heal you from the inside out! Through your act of forgiveness, you show your offender that you take the high road and want to be a Christ like example to them and those around you! Forgive someone today! God bless

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