Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." Deuteronomy 3:18

Happy New Year 2019. Day one of the new year and you might be asking yourself, “where do I go from here?” You anticipate good things happening for the new year, but life seems to have the good and the bad.  But one thing you can do for sure is commit each day to the Lord.

Trust me friend when I say He goes before you each and every day. Like a time machine, He goes ahead into your future, shifting things and circumstances to help you navigate the trials, storms, mountain top and valley experiences. I know this first hand. Even when you’ve ventured down the wrong path, He always makes provisions to bring you back to the good life, His way!

I encourage you to pray that God guides you each and every day and that you have an open ear to His calling. Seek Him first in everything you do and you’ll find life more blessed and stable as you journey through 2019. God bless and Happy New Year!   

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