Wednesday, January 9, 2019

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you. Psalm 32:8

Lessons learned. Those things that happen to us in life that aren’t so great, and we have reminders of our mistakes. Like getting caught speeding and have a hefty fine waiting to be paid and the insurance premium goes up, a poor financial purchase that results in years of high payments with a high interest rate and feels like it will never get paid off, or maybe one poor decision results in a lifetime of regret.

Hopefully we learn from our mistakes in life. Those subtle reminders of our errors are God’s way of keeping us on track. Every now and then something will come up as a reminder that I made a poor decision. Just the other day it happened and I was reminded of this verse, that God has His loving eye on me and doesn’t want me to make the same mistake twice. Those subtle reminders are like guard rails along the road…they keep me on His path and avoid disaster.

Maybe you have some reminders of past mistakes. Don’t let those discourage you, but know they are reminders from God that poor decisions don’t need to be repeated and are useful for keeping you on track to avoid another train wreck…so to say! Trust God when those reminders surface and thank Him for loving you enough to help keep you on the right path of life. God bless!

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