Wednesday, January 30, 2019

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

One thing that astounds me when cooking is the individual ingredients for something delicious and how they all come together. By themselves they aren’t good, but when they are mixed with other ingredients, YUM!

While reading The Purpose Driven Life this morning, God laid upon me a thought. As we go through life, we encounter various things that shape us into who we are today. Some things might be bad, like totally awful and shameful, while other things have brought blessings into our lives and made us happy. But God, He had a plan for each life event, good or bad. He knew just how much to measure out so it would enhance and grow your life, not destroy it.

Sadly for some, they chose to chew on the individual ingredient (life event) and remain bitter. That’s NOT what God had planned. He needed that event to mix with the other things in your life to bring out a better you, a stronger you and a you totally dependent YOU upon God for strength and to help others going through a similar situation.

Lesson for today, don’t focus on the individual event, but allow God to stir it in with the rest of your life so you can come out with a beautiful flavor to others to enjoy and be a blessing to God and those around you! We are His handiwork and He has just the right ingredients to make your life awesome for His kingdom! God bless!

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