Thursday, January 10, 2019

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. Philippians 3:13

Do you find it hard to move forward in life? Past mistakes seem to play out in your mind, over and over again? Yea, my hand is raised. One thing I’ve discovered, you’ll never move forward from the bad times until the bad times are long forgotten. When you’ve been able to erase them from your mind, there will be nothing to grasp for mental processing.

How do you forget the past? That’s a tall order for sure. Here recently I went through a time where I had something in my past I kept going back to, over and over again. In time, God brought someone into my life that totally erased the past and freed me to step forward again. I can’t tell you the freedom it felt to be cut lose from the past so I can experience life as God planned.

Maybe you are hung up over something or someone and you feel bound to it. Pray to God, asking Him to cut the ties from your past so you can run freely again. God never intended for His children to stay in one place. There is too much work to do in His kingdom for a stagnant Christian! Pray and believe He will help heal you from the past! God bless!  

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